Metamorphic rocks with Ordovician and older protoliths are the La Aguadita Amphibolites and the La Miel Gneiss and associated amphibolites the age of their metamorphism is poorly constrained. Our results indicate that this basement is more heterogeneous than previously realized, bearing crustal components with Cambro-Ordovician, Triassic, Late Jurassic–earliest Cretaceous, and middle Cretaceous ages. We investigated the U–Pb zircon geochronology of the metamorphic basement that abuts the east Romeral Fault System in north-central Colombia between the San Jerónimo Fault and the western border of the Antioquia Batholith. 133 1 Recent papers still use Cajamarca Complex as defined by Maya and González (1995) to refer to the Permian-Triassic metamorphic rocks that crop out between the RFS and the Otú, Pericos, and Palestina faults however, the metamorphic rocks at Cajamarca are now known to be Jurassic and not intrinsically related to the Permian-Triassic basement north of Cajamarca. The metamorphic complex abuts on the Otú, Pericos, and Palestina 124 faults, which constitute the eastern boundary of a tectonic block that has received diverse names: 125 Tahamí terrane limited by the Otú and Pericos faults (Restrepo and Toussaint, 1988, 1989, 2020 126 Toussaint and Antioquia terrane, Cajamarca-Valdivia terrane or Chicamocha Figure 1A are those of Restrepo and Toussaint (2020). The convolute geology of the Northern Andes in Colombia and Ecuador is the result of a East of the RFS ( Figure 1A), the exposed geology is dominated by metamorphic rocks 122 belonging to the Cajamarca Complex sensu Maya and González (1995) 1 and plutons of 123 Cretaceous or younger age. Finally, nine field trips were made to the places referenced in 23 photographs of the TCA between 19 to take their current equivalent and thus carry out a multi-temporal analysis of the TCA. This unpublished information is available in the supplementary material of this article. The geospatial information contained in each thin section was interpreted and georeferenced, obtaining, as a result, a list with north and west geographic coordinates, in degrees, minutes, and seconds. Grosse to the Escuela Nacional de Minas and today are in the Museum of Geosciences of the Faculty of Mines of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. In addition, 480 thin sections were scanned, which were donated by Dr. The metadata associates the information in the TCA with the Servicio Geológico Colombiano for the year 2015. kml format, which can be used directly in field trips, via Google Earth on cell phones, tablets, or computers. In the present work, the four TCA maps were digitized at a scale of 1:50 000 with Bessel 1841 datum and created a unified file in.
Lavas quiri plus#
As a result, extensive work comprising petrological, structural, and economic geology studies was published in a manuscript published in Spanish and German, plus four attached maps, including coal, gold, silver, kaolin, and carbonate mines, among others. The work began with the main objective of quantifying the coal reserves of Antioquia, and showing their surface extension on a scale of 1:50 000, in a region that includes the Arma river to the Puente de Occidente and from the western side of the Cauca River to the Romeral lineament and the plains of Ovejas.

Jakob Emil Grosse in 1926, is one of the most influential scientific results of the Ordinance 16 of 1918 of the Honorable Departmental Assembly of Antioquia. The Carboniferous Tertiary of Antioquia (TCA), published by Dr.